FAQ - If you get stuck


Locate errors

  Make sure that you have looked thrugh the list of errors and solutions.
Some error messages are quite complex. Check carefully if any part of the message maches with the errors described in the FAQ-ErrorList.html.

Another browser

  Test the applets with different browsers.
Other browsers might give you an error that will lead you on the right track.

Web server - local

  Test the applets on both a webserver and on the local hard disk.
If the applets don't work on the local hard disk it may be because you are running IE 3.02 (see other FAQ) or that you have images or sound files located where the applet can't reach them.

If you have problems when the applets are run from a webserver it usually is becuse the browser is unable to find some file. Check that you have got the case right on all filenames and that all files can be found at the right places.

Start simple

  Locate all files in the same directory as the HTML file and use simple parameters.
It is better to start simple. When you get it to work, add parameters and move the files for the desired result. In this way you will know what parameter or file that causes the error.

Beginners Java help

  Use a Java applet tutorial.
If you are a beginner to Java applets, it is a good idea to read some toturial as can be found at http://www.htmlgoodies.com/.


  Write an e-mail to us to get help.
We will help you with your problem, usually within twenty-four hours (working days). It is vital that you give us as much information as possible. Go to the feedback page for futher information of what information you should submit.

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