ET Subject Ticker - Documentation




  • Views short one-line text messages.
  • Extremely fast loading. Only one very small class.
  • The messages are loaded from a separate file in order to simplify regular updates. The applet can also reload the file while running, in user definable intervals.
  • Local links within the applet to new messages.
  • The applet can be controlled via JavaScript (see example).
  • The message presentation is fully configurable, inluding colors, fonts and delays.


Get started

  1. Start with a simple web-page where you want the applet. (E.g. Test.html)
  2. Copy the class file to the same directory as Test.html: ET_SubjectTicker.class
  3. Copy the applet and parameter tags from the simple example (or any other example, but it is safer to start with something simple.).
  4. If you get it to work you can add more parameters from the list below. Check out the other examples for inspiration. If you have problems, check the FAQ for more help.
  5. If you still don't get it right, read the tutorials at regarding Java applets.

JavaScript Control

You can control some aspects of this applet with JavaScript (not to confuse with Java that the applets are written in). Currently there are three different functions you can call:

Takes the string argument and uses it as an input file to replace the current messages.

Takes the string argument and uses it as an temporary input file. After the temporary messages are viewed the applet returns to the last main messages.

Takes the URL to a new main input file.

Look at the JavaScript example to see how to use these functions.



This is the list of parameters that can be used in the HTML code with this applet.

Unlocking the applet

If you buy the applet collection you will get access to a web page where you can generate keys to unlock the applets. An unlocked applet will not show the "by Entanke, Click for info" text and it will not have the four second delay when it starts. Use the NumericalKey parameter to assign these keys to the applet. If you have a domain with several names (like, you have to get a key for every domain name and enter them separated by commas. When the applet is run from the local hard disk it will behave as if you have a valid key.
Values: 0-66000[,0-66000[,...]]
Default: none
Example: <param name="NumericalKey" value="3956,213">

Text Message

As a ticker text usually is updated often, it is loaded from a separate file given by the InputFile parameter. See the format of the input file below.
Values: URL to file
Default: none
Example: <param name="InputFile" value="TickerText.txt">
    Input file format:
%   All lines that starts with a % character will be ignored and can be used as comment lines.
§   Each message item starts with a § character and then follows the arguments separated by | characters. The arguments are (in order): Subject text, Headline text, URL or local link, Headline (ticker) pause, Subject background color, Subject text color, Headline background color and Headline text color.
Subject text
Headline text
  The text for one message item.
Values: text string
Example: § What's new | The download pages were updated.
URL or local link   The link that is associated with the current message item. If you are using a URL link that will be loaded in the browser you can control the target farme with the TargetFrame. If you put a $ character in front of the URL it will be loaded as an input file by the applet (see Example 5).
Values: URL to link
Example: § What's new | The download pages were updated. | download.html
or: § What's new | The download pages were updated. | $downloadInputFile.txt
Headline pause   Specifies how many milliseconds the message item should pause. Set the default with the HeadlinePause parameter.
Values: The pause in milliseconds
Example: § What's new | The download pages were updated. | download.html | 2000
Subject colors
Headline colors
  The colors of the current message item in the following order: Subject background color | Subject foreground color | Headline background color | Headline foreground color. Use the SubjectBGColor, SubjectColor, HeadlineBGColor and HeadlineColor parameters to set the default values.
Example: § What's new | The download pages were updated. | download.html | | c00000 | f4f4f4 | f4f4f4 | c00000

Subject Font

The font used in the subject area. Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier, Dialog, and DialogInput are available on most computers.
Values: font name
Default: TimesRoman
<param name="SubjectFont" value="Courier">
The size of the text in the subject area.
Values: 6 - 80
Default: 12
<param name="SubjectSize" value="14">
The style of the text in the subject area.
Values: plain / bold / italic / bolditalic
Default: bold
<param name="SubjectStyle" value="italic">
If the text in the subject area should be underlined. If set to "auto" only links will be underlined.
Values: true / auto / false
Default: false
<param name="SubjectUnderline" value="auto">

Headline Font

The font used in the headline area. Helvetica, TimesRoman, Courier, Dialog, and DialogInput are available on most computers.
Values: font name
Default: TimesRoman
<param name="HeadlineFont" value="Courier">
The size of the text in the headline area.
Values: 6 - 80
Default: 12
<param name="HeadlineSize" value="14">
The style of the text in the headline area.
Values: plain / bold / italic / bolditalic
Default: plain
<param name="HeadlineStyle" value="bold">
If the text in the headline area should be underlined. If set to "auto" only links will be underlined.
Values: true / auto / false
Default: false
<param name="HeadlineUnderline" value="auto">


Specifies how many milliseconds message items should pause. This parameter can be overridden in the input file.
Values: 0 - 100 000 (milliseconds)
Default: 3000
<param name="HeadlinePause" value="5000">
The alignment of the headline text.
Values: left / center
Default: center
<param name="HeadlineAlign" value="left">
The width of the subject area. Use this parameter to set the size of the subject and headline area, or to eliminate one of them.
Values: 0 - applet width (pixels)
Default: 1/4 of the applet width.
<param name="SubjectWidth" value="40">
The target frame of all links that are displayed in the applet.
Values: _self / _parent / _top / _blank / frame name
Default: _self


The thickness of the applet border. Use the BorderColor... parameters to customize it further.
Values: 1 - 20 (pixels)
Default: 2
<param name="BorderThickness" value="1">


The color of the applet background while the applet is loading the input file.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: ffffff (white)
<param name="BGLoadingColor" value="0000ff">
See Also: Color notation.
The color of the applet border.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: 000000 (black)
<param name="BorderColor" value="0000ff">
See Also: Color notation.
The color of the applet border when the message item is clickable and the mouse is moved over the applet area.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: 0000ff (blue)
<param name="BorderColorOver" value="000000">
See Also: Color notation.
The color of the applet border when the message item is clickable, the mouse is moved over the applet area and the left mousebutton is clicked.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: ff0000 (red)
<param name="BorderColorClick" value="ffff00">
See Also: Color notation.
Default background color of the subject area. This parameter can be overridden in the input file.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: 000000 (black)
Example: <param name="SubjectBGColor" value="800000">
See Also: Color notation.
Default text color of the subject area. This parameter can be overridden in the input file.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: ffffff (white)
Example: <param name="SubjectColor" value="000000">
See Also: Color notation.
Default background color of the headline area. This parameter can be overridden in the input file.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: ffffff (white)
See Also: Color notation.
Default text color of the headline area. This parameter can be overridden in the input file.
Values: 000000 - ffffff
Default: 000000 (black)
See Also: Color notation.

Messages controll

Whether the main messages will be repeated after the first display.
Values: true / false
Default: true
Whether the main message will restart after being interrupted by a temporary message.
Values: true / false
Default: false
How often the applet will reload the input file. If you don't use this parameter, or if you set the value to 0, the applet will not reload the input file (default). Useful if you have dynamic changes in the messages.
Values: 0-5000 (seconds)
Default: 0 (file will not be reloaded)

Known Bugs

No known bugs.

If you find any other bugs please report them to us.


Future Features

It's always possible to improve an applet, but every feature creates more code, and more code will result in longer loading times. Here is a list of ideas and possible future features for this applet. Tell us what is most important to include in the applet, or if you have other ideas not listed here.

  • More JavaScript controll.

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