% This line will not be parsed as it starts with a % character. % Each ticker message starts with a § character and then follows % the arguments separated with | characters. % The arguments are (in order): % Subject text | Headline text | URL link | Headline pause | % Subject background color | Subject foreground color | % Headline background color | Headline foreground color % Any argument can be omitted but you have to leave a single % space character between the | characters. § Green message | This is the green message from InputGreen.txt. | | |009000|f4f4f4|f4f4f4|009000 § Green message | Click here for the red message. | $InputRed.txt | |009000|f4f4f4|f4f4f4|009000 § Green message | Click here for the blue message. | $InputBlue.txt | |009000|f4f4f4|f4f4f4|009000